At CFG Brokerage Network we work with advisors to help implement strategies that increase the overall value of their clients business.
The reality is most business owners don't know what their business is worth. That's because most business owners have never truly had their business valued*. Knowing what your clients business is worth is critical for proper business planning. For example, having an accurate business valuation can help eliminate conflict between a buyer and a seller (which may be two family members) when an owner wants to sell the business. It can help business owners better estimate their retirement nest-egg to more accordingly plan their retirement income strategy. And, it can prevent potential issues with the IRS when it comes time to pay estate taxes. Keep in mind that a proper business valuation is not a "rule of thumb," it's thoughtfully crafted by our team after thorough research and it's documented in writing.
Once a client has received a qualified business valuation, we will help you assist your client, a business owner, plan their future, develop a succession plan, and provide additional insight on the current position of their company.
*MassMutual does not provide accredited/certified business valuations. We can assist a client with an evaluation to assist in determining the funding needs of a buy/sell, but do not conduct a formal valuation. This needs to be conducted by an accredited valuation company/individual.